Now we I say “caroling,” this is not the peaceful harmonious caroling of America. This is the wild, dancing, cacophonic – and did I mention in drag? – Moldovan yellers. At each home we would essentially force ourselves inside, do a few numbers while the “hosts” scrambled to quickly bring out some food and drink. I couldn’t help but be aware of my American sensibilities of privacy and forewarning. How would I feel if about 10 wild men (some of whom toward the end of the evening, or as the sun rose, were pretty tipsy) showed up on my doorstep, forced themselves inside, and made bull moose mating calls sound like Beethoven? I’ll let you decide how you’d feel – but the people here loved it!

In other Christmas news, at my last English Klub meeting, my students presented me with a gift of a small porcelain dog to represent health and happiness the our new zodiac Year of the Dog. It was quite unexpected and very moving.

All the above happened on Friday. On Saturday, I spent most of the day preparing for my week-long PC training in the capital, e.g. doing laundry. I’ve got to say, it becomes quite a process in the winter when there is no running water, no working drains, no washing machine, and no dryer. My PC-issued electric heater functions well as the latter and I’ve become quite adept at draping as many articles of clothing on, in, and around it as possible. So much so, that everything I started washing on Saturday morning was dry by the time I left my apartment Sunday at 4:45am (except for the bed sheets, but they can just hang all week while I’m away).
If you want to know where I’m going, it’s to Chisinau for a week-long PC training. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone again, hot showers, and a really big salad.
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