Thursday, April 27, 2006

Moving Out

I had a good chat with my host-mother today about whether I would be staying in her apartment after the PC mandatory 6-month host-family stay.  I told her I wanted to look around for other places, but hadn't yet made up my mind about what I wanted to do.  As the Moldovan culture is more indirect than American, I was impressed that my mother actually initiated the conversation and honestly and directly answered my questions, like if she wanted me to stay or move out.  She said that she agreed to host me for 6 months and that was what she had in mind, and that she thought I would be happier living alone now that I knew my way around the village.

So, while it never feels fantastic to be told by someone that they'd like you to move out - even when done so tactfully - I'm excited to find either a new family (with kids!) or a new pad (maybe with running water or working drains!)  And I still feel like our relationship is intact and I would be welcome in this apartment anytime.  I have about a month left on my contract, so time to start looking.  Rest assured, I'll post with pictures as soon as I find my new digs.


Anonymous said...

Dear Brad,

Indoor plumbing sounds good!


Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...


Can you tell me one thing... How can I host a volunteer? I live in Vadului-Voda, in my own house (sad to say, it is not big, but it has running hot water and indoor plumbing :)) ) with my wife, daughter and a cat.


World's Best Historian said...

Would like to talk to you about this - and perhaps meet next time I'm in Chisinau - but I don't know your email address. Please send me an email - mine is listed on the main page of this blog on the right under contacts. Hope you get this "comment."

Anonymous said...

I still make repairs. And I will do it next 3 weeks, or maybe even a month...
I will drop you a line right now.