Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Swear-In, Part II

I've moved out of my training host-family's and will stay the night with all the other members of my group in the capital tonight. We'll be dining at a fine restaurant for our last civilized meal and then tomorrow afternoon we officially swear-in. I'll be playing a song on the guitar and singing in Russian with my host-mother. It's called "Poost," which is sort of translated loosely as "Ahhh, fuggetaboutit."

Then I leave immediately after swear-in for my new site. I'll probably be beyond the reach of the Internet superhighway over the next week while I figure out where everything is and whether I should visit the communal bit first thing in the morning or last thing at night...

But, I'll be back in the capital for a few days for a conference and a joint Thanksgiving dinner and talent show with all the PCVs. Will check email and make another post then. Ciao.

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