Taking Control of Electric Bill, Hour by Hour
by David Cay Johnton
January 8, 2007 - NYTimes
Ten times last year, Judi Kinch, a geologist, got e-mail messages
telling her that the next afternoon any electricity used at her
Chicago apartment would be particularly expensive because hot, steamy
weather was increasing demand for power. Each time, she and her
husband would turn down the air-conditioners — sometimes shutting one
of them off — and let the dinner dishes sit in the washer until
prices fell back late at night.
Most people are not aware that electricity prices fluctuate widely
throughout the day, let alone exactly how much they pay at the moment
they flip a switch. But Ms. Kinch and her husband are among the 1,100
Chicago residents who belong to the Community Energy Cooperative, a
pilot project to encourage energy conservation, and this puts them
among the rare few who are able to save money by shifting their use
of power.
Just as cellphone customers delay personal calls until they become
free at night and on weekends, and just as millions of people fly at
less popular times because air fares are lower, people who know the
price of electricity at any given moment can cut back when prices are
high and use more when prices are low. Participants in the Community
Energy Cooperative program, for example, can check a Web site that
tells them, hour by hour, how much their electricity costs; they get
e-mail alerts when the price is set to rise above 20 cents a kilowatt-
If just a fraction of all Americans had this information and could
adjust their power use accordingly, the savings would be huge.
Consumers would save nearly $23 billion a year if they shifted just 7
percent of their usage during peak periods to less costly times,
research at Carnegie Mellon University indicates. That is the
equivalent of the entire nation getting a free month of power every
Meters that can read prices every hour or less are widely used in
factories, but are found in only a tiny number of homes, where most
meters are read monthly. The handful of people who do use hourly
meters not only cut their own bills, but also help everyone else by
reducing the need for expensive generating stations that run just a
few days, or hours, each year. Over the long run, such savings could
mean less pollution, because the dirtiest plants could be used less
or not at all.
The vast majority of utility customers know only the average price of
the electricity they used in any given month. But wholesale prices
for electricity are set a day in advance, usually on an hour-by-hour
or quarter-hour basis. Power companies and utilities are keenly aware
of the pricing roller coaster, but they typically blend the numbers
into a single monthly bill for their customers.
For most Chicagoans, the average summer price last year was 8.25
cents a kilowatt-hour. Although Ms. Kinch and her husband at times
paid as much as 36.5 cents a kilowatt-hour — the peak price on the
humid afternoon of Aug. 2 — they paid less than their neighbors over
all. On 38 days, some of their power cost less than a penny a
Other consumers who know the hourly price of their electricity have
actually been able to get paid by utilities for power they did not
use. In New York City last July, for instance, when there was a
blackout in Queens, residents of one building on Central Park West
voluntarily cut their demand as much as 42 percent and sold the
capacity back into the electricity market so that it could be used
where it was more needed.
Certainly, such situations are a big exception. The fact that most
people have no idea how much their power costs has emerged as a
sticking point in the ongoing effort to restructure the nation's
electricity business, which the federal government is moving from a
system in which legal monopolies charge rates set by state
regulators, toward a competitive system where the market sets the price.
But how does efficient pricing emerge in a business where access to
information is so lopsided? A market, as defined by the courts, is a
place where willing buyers and sellers who both have reasonable
knowledge agree on a price; in the electricity markets, the advantage
lies distinctly with those who make and distribute power.
Under either the traditional system of utility regulation, with
prices set by government, or in the competitive business now in half
the states, companies that generate and distribute power have little
or no incentive to supply customers with hourly meters, which can cut
into their profits. Meters that encourage people to reduce demand at
peak hours will translate to less need for power plants —
particularly ones that are only called into service during streaks of
hot or cold weather. In states where rates are still regulated,
utilities earn a virtually guaranteed profit on their generating
stations. Even if a power plant runs only one hour a year, the
utility earns a healthy return on its cost. In a competitive market,
it is the spikes in demand that cause prices to soar for brief
periods. Flattening out the peaks would be disastrous for some power
plant owners, which could go bankrupt if the profit they get from
peak prices were to ebb significantly.
But as awareness of "smart meters" grows, so does demand for them,
not only from consumers and environmental groups but also from
government bodies responding to public anger over rising power
prices. In Illinois, for example, the legislature passed a law in
December requiring the program Ms. Kinch joined four years ago to be
expanded from 1,100 customers to 110,000. The law also required that
Commonwealth Edison, the Chicago utility, hire a third party to run
the program. It chose Comverge Inc., the largest provider of peak-
load energy management systems in North America.
The smart metering programs are not new, but their continued rarity
speaks in part to the success of power-generating companies in
protecting their profit models. Some utilities did install meters in
a small number of homes as early as three decades ago, pushed by the
environmental movement and a spike in energy prices.
Today, the same set of circumstances seems to be prompting a revival
of interest, and even the utility companies seem resigned to the
eventuality of such programs. Anne R. Pramaggiore, the senior vice
president for regulatory affairs at Commonwealth Edison of Chicago,
said that in the past, interest in hourly meter was transitory.
"We really haven't dealt with these issues for 30 years," she said.
But a sustained effort to install more meters is likely now because
of what Ms. Pramaggiore called a "fundamental change" in the energy
markets. Rising fuel costs and environmental concerns are — once
again — front and center. When consumers know the price of their
electricity in advance and can tailor their use, even minor changes
in behavior can lead to lower home utility bills and less reliance on
marginal power plants, said Kathleen Spees, a graduate student in
engineering and public policy at Carnegie Mellon.
"Small reductions in demand can produce very large savings," said Ms.
Spees, who analyzed prices charged within the PJM Interconnection
grid, which coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity for 51
million people from New Jersey to Illinois.
Consumers who cut back on power use at peak times can do more than
just avoid high prices. They can make money, as people in the
building on Central Park West learned last summer.
Peter Funk Jr., an energy partner at the law firm Duane Morris who
lives in the 48-unit co-op, persuaded his neighbors three years ago
to install a single meter to the Consolidated Edison system and then
to operate their own internal metering system. That made the building
big enough to qualify for hour-by-hour pricing. When the next day's
prices are scheduled to soar, the building superintendent and a few
residents get e-mail messages or phone calls. "We have an orderly
plan all worked out to notify people" so they can reduce their power
use during the designated times, Mr. Funk said. The residents save
more than just the money on power not used during peak periods, when
pricing has been as high as almost 50 cents a kilowatt-hour. During
the blackout in July, when parts of Queens were without electricity
for up to nine days, the building cut demand as much as 42 percent
and sold the unused capacity for about $3,000. That money helps the
building offer a valuable benefit: On most weekend mornings,
electricity for residents is free.
My Commentary:
It seems that this kind of measuring is not yet available everywhere,
but it is worth a little research or at least a call to one's power
company to see if such a program exists in your area... or better
yet, to start a local campaign to create such a program if it does
not already exist. Also, in a graph not displayed on this blog, the
biggest range of prices, and thus the biggest opportunity to save,
occurred in June, July, and August. Most other months were fairly
flat in their hour by hour rates.