Friday, June 02, 2006

Internet Update

This entry doesn't so much relate to the cultureal "goings-on" of Moldova, but I think it's an important development in the life of PCVs in Moldova (including PCV-ME) and perhaps PCVs worldwide.

Technology - mostly through the Internet - is increasingly important in the lives of PCVs. For example, I'm teaching several computer classes, maintain a blog, and email regularly with friends and family in the States. I'd be lying if I said that the last two items were solely to complete a PC goals to share information about our host country with Americans, but it happens all the same. And though many PCVs throughout the world live without electricity and thus without the Internet, I'd wager that 99.99% of Volunteers currently serving use email every time they're in their respective PCOffices.

So, after repeated requests by our Volunteer Administration Committee to the powers that be, we now have several ethernet plug-in cords for laptops in the PCLounge. Given that the percentage of PCVs with laptops has exploded over the last few years, this is an important step by PC toward more fully integrating technology into our service. There are plans in the works to provide wireless Internet in the office in the (hopefully) near future.

So, to my PCV brethren in other posts, use Moldova as an example to revamp your own lounge and upgrade your Internet service. It means you can call home or other countries with services like Skype for free (or virtually free) and that you won't need to waste time moving files between laptops and lounge desktops or waiting in line for a computer. I've already called a bunch of people in America for 2 cents a minute to any landline or cellphone and for free to another computer with a Skype account. It's fantastic!

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